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Adventures ft. Joe Gallardo
Adventure, a yearning, that is not satisfied by the daily routine. The hunger of new experiences, new lands, new traditions. The Windwalkers crystallized exactly that with his music: a little bit adventure and a lot of south america for the daily… Continue Reading
EPK Adventures ft. Joe Gallardo
In our brand new EPK you will see a a bit about the composition and creation of our new album “Adventures”. To the Amazon Store…. To the iTunes Store….
The Windwalkers with Joe Gallardo in Neumünster
From the press article of “Kieler Nachrichten” from September 26. 2016. What a concert!! The Latin-Fusion-Sextett “The Windwalkers” from Mannheim was frenetically aclaimed. It was not the first time they come on a visit to Neumünster. A few years… Continue Reading
Fast Help
Fast Help from our Drummer Franz Eichberger, a song from our last production Adventures” ft. Joe Gallardo. Have fun!!
The Windwalkers App ready for download
Our app is finally online! With this app you can stay direct in touch with us via your celphone. To the Google Play Store…. To the iTunes Store….